Class Dojo
PTFA Summer Fayre - Friday 5th July, 3.15pm.
Home Page

Knowle Primary School Every Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Class Dojo
  • Nursery (Small Stones):
  • Nursery (Big Stones):
  • Attenborough:
  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
  • Armstrong:
  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford:

Football at MAP

On Friday 15th October 2021, some of our Year 5 and 6 children represented Knowle at a football tournament at Marine Academy Primary. The tournament involved schools in our local area including Victoria Road, Ernesettle and Riverside. The children showed superb work ethic, team work and resilience throughout and they all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The children played four games, winning one and losing three but they put in 100% effort in each game and our staff were very proud of the way the children conducted themselves.

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Class Dojo
  • Nursery (Small Stones):
  • Nursery (Big Stones):
  • Attenborough:
  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
  • Armstrong:
  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford: