Class Dojo
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Knowle Primary School Every Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Class Dojo
  • Nursery (Small Stones):
  • Nursery (Big Stones):
  • Attenborough:
  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
  • Armstrong:
  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford:

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Knowle Primary School, we strongly believe that ‘Every child matters. Every moment counts’. We strive to create a happy, secure and stimulating learning environment in which all members of the school community can grow in self-esteem and develop their potential as human beings. We embrace the fact that every child is unique, and therefore, the educational needs of every child are different. This is particularly the case for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


We are an inclusive school and aim to support all children, meeting their individual needs within our school budget. All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress. For children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND), we aim to address any barriers to learning that they may face in a way that has the greatest impact. We seek to identify the needs of our children and respond with a range of teaching strategies to provide support that allows them to be happy and healthy and achieve their full potential.


We believe that parents and carers are their child’s most important educator, and we seek to support you as you help your child through their next steps in learning. With a relentless determination to knock down all barriers faced, we develop the unique child, ensuring they flourish through our educational offer.


As a school, we have three core beliefs that sit at the heart of our mission to ‘outstanding and beyond’:


•   Improving standards for all children

•   Closing gaps in learning for all children, regardless of their background or starting points

•   Embedding knowledge and developing skills in all curriculum areas for all children.


We ensure that we meet the needs of SEND pupils and this is explained in our School SEND Information Report below.



  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Class Dojo
  • Nursery (Small Stones):
  • Nursery (Big Stones):
  • Attenborough:
  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
  • Armstrong:
  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford: