Read Write Inc. Phonics
Your child will have daily phonics sessions at school. They will also be set phonics learning for home via tapestry and Read Write Inc. reading books.
You can help your child by hearing them read at least 3 times a week. Reading a story to your child will help their language development and understanding of story structure.
You can upload videos and photos of your phonics practice to your childs learning journal via Tapestry. You will need your login details. If you require your details again please email me.
You can access tapestry using your log in. Click the following the link to access Tapestry:
To support your child's phonics they should read daily. You can find Read Write Inc. coloured books on the Oxford Owl eBook library here: Oxford Owl
Below are your class login details:
Attenborough -
Username: attenborough
Password: attenborough1