Class Dojo
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Knowle Primary School Every Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Class Dojo
  • Nursery (Small Stones):
  • Nursery (Big Stones):
  • Attenborough:
  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
  • Armstrong:
  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford:

School Uniform

Although school uniform is not compulsory many parents prefer to dress their children in uniform. The Governors and staff fully support this view, feeling that it gives children a sense of belonging and discipline.

Our uniform is as follows:


School Uniform


Boys:  Grey trousers (or shorts in summer), white shirt (or white polo shirt), maroon sweatshirt with the school logo. Black school shoes.


Girls:  Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers, white blouse (or white polo shirt), maroon sweatshirt with the school logo. A red and white checked dress may be worn in summer. Black school shoes.

PE Kit


All children come to school wearing their full PE kit. They have allocated PE days whereby they wear their kit on this day. This removes wasted learning time of changing in and out of kit. All children MUST wear their PE coloured top (linked to their team) and their PE Hoodie. We provide one of these free of charge at the start of each academic year. 

School sweatshirts and PE tops and Hoodies can be ordered at the school office.   


We encourage children to keep themselves tidy and take a pride in their appearance and the wearing of jeans or similar clothing is discouraged. Jewellery, especially bracelets and earrings is strongly discouraged in school. Apart from being extremely hazardous during physical education lessons unnecessary problems occur when items become broken or 'lost'.

Sensible footwear is also essential as there are many steps to negotiate in and around the buildings. Black school shoes should be worn and the wearing of trainers is discouraged.

Children should not have their hair cut or coloured in any extreme fashion, for example Mohicans, tram lines or other patterns.



Our branded uniform is available to buy from the Schoolwear Shop in the City Centre.


You can order this directly from their website and this will be delivered to school, or alternatively you can complete an order form at school reception and pay cash. We can then place the order on your behalf and this will also be delivered to school.


Current Uniform prices are as follows:


Crew Neck Sweatshirt £10.35

Sweatshirt Cardigan £11.40

PE T-shirt £6.00

PE Hoody £13.50

Book Bag £5.85


Further items are listed on the order form below


Please see below the link to the website to place any online orders.


School Wear Shop Website

School Uniform Order Form

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Class Dojo
  • Nursery (Small Stones):
  • Nursery (Big Stones):
  • Attenborough:
  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
  • Armstrong:
  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford: