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Knowle Primary School Every Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

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Class Dojo
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  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
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  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford:

Maths at Knowle

Rationale for Maths at Knowle


At Knowle Primary School, we aim to teach our children a rich, progressive and sequential maths curriculum which develops their ability to calculate, reason and solve problems, enabling them to make sense of the world around them. We aim to provide high quality mathematical learning experiences in order to develop children’s mathematical skills and understanding. Children are encouraged to explore maths through practical experiences and investigative work, building a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

We aim to give all of our pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge, experiences and ‘cultural capital’ necessary to become educated citizens and to succeed in life.

The aims of teaching Maths, as outlined in the National Curriculum, are to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.


At Knowle, we believe that all children can be successful in the study of mathematics. We use mixed ability groupings and do not group children by prior attainment, except for where significant gaps in learning exist.

In order to achieve mastery, our expectation is that through quality first teaching, all our children will successfully access the learning. We expect the vast majority of pupils to move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. However, for children who lack  fluency, we provide opportunities to consolidate their understanding through additional scaffolding (this could be through adult support, concrete resources or adapted work).


Across the school daily maths lessons are taught where children:

  • practice fluency and the ability to recall and apply knowledge accurately and quickly
  • develop reasoning skills by following a line of enquiry, generalising or justifying proof using mathematical language
  • develop competence in solving increasingly complex problems


Early Years Foundation Stage

In EYFS, teachers use the Power Maths schemes of learning. These are matched to the National Curriculum Early Learning goals. In the Early Years, maths is a specific area of learning in the Development Matters Curriculum. Play based opportunities are carefully planned and provided by staff. The learning environment both inside and outside, is set up to create a stimulating space where children feel confident, secure and challenged in their mathematical thinking. Learning experiences provide children with the opportunity to explore, use their senses and become independent in their mathematical learning.


Year 1 to Year 6

In Years 1-6,  we follow the National Curriculum, using the Power Maths schemes of learning for curriculum planning to ensure progression across the year groups. It is a scheme of work recommended by the DfE and NCETM (National Centre of Excellence for the teaching of maths), which promotes a mastery approach to mathematics. It builds every concept in small, progressive steps and is built with interactive, whole-class teaching in mind. It provides the tools needed to develop growth mindsets, check understanding throughout lessons and ensuring that every child is keeping up. The Power Maths curriculum covers units of learning in Number, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics, Algebra and Ratio and Proportion.


Power Maths

At the heart of Power Maths is a progressive lesson sequence designed to empower children to understand core concepts and grow in confidence.

Throughout each stage of the lesson, teachers check on children’s understanding through high quality questioning enabling misconceptions to be quickly addressed.


In addition, we use White Rose, NCETM mastery resources and other resources to challenge our more able children and deepen their understanding.


Number Masters

Improving progress in Mathematics is a priority at Knowle. Since our visit to Vauxhall Primary School in London, we have adopted their Number Masters programme in our KS1.  It is a powerful Maths programme that had been created and accelerates children’s progress. It is aimed at the development of number mastery and fluency in Key Stage 1. The number and calculation skills covered are taken from the 2014 National Curriculum for Mathematics. The programme ensures that mastery is achieved at the end of each unit through practical, easy to plan, engaging, and age-relevant activities. Each lesson is taught in small groups for 15 minutes a day. Groups are taught by teachers and teaching assistants using scripted materials. Assessments are made at the end of each week.

We have also introduced a daily Number Masters session for children in Key Stage 2, which focusses on developing children’s fluency. We use a progression of fluency skills which match the Power Maths units and target key skills.



Numbots is used both at home and in school by children in EYFS and KS1 to practise their basic number bonds and improve their addition and subtraction skills.


Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)

TTRS is used by children in Years 2-6 in order to practise their quick recall of times tables. It is an online resource which children can also access at home.

From years 1 – 6, there is a big focus on the develop of multiplication facts. We use weekly times tables passports where children practice their times tables and are tested to see if they can fly around the world. These tests are sent home weekly as part of their homework.


Assessing the impact of teaching

At Knowle, we assess maths in the following ways:

  • Daily formative assessment which is used to inform next steps planning.
  • In EYFS, observations are recorded in children’s learning journals online through Tapestry and next steps are identified.
  • Weekly number masters assessments in KS1
  • Times tables fluency progress (Year 2-6) each half-term
  • Termly teacher assessments
  • Termly NFER / practise SATs in Years 1-6.
  • Bi-annual Sandwell assessments in KS1.


The impact of our maths curriculum is that children become confident and successful learners’ who can achieve regardless of their starting points. Assessments show that maths knowledge and skills are developing and children are able to apply their skills and knowledge to more challenging problems.

Children across the school have positive attitudes towards their learning in maths and enjoy maths lessons.

Children make progress in maths from their starting points on entry and are closing the gap towards attaining national expectations. They are given opportunities to enable them to achieve the greater depth standard. It is our aim that all cohorts will achieve in line with or above national expectations and that they make good progress.

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Class Dojo
  • Nursery (Small Stones):
  • Nursery (Big Stones):
  • Attenborough:
  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
  • Armstrong:
  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford: