Class Dojo
Welcome back, everyone! Please attend our meet the teacher meetings in classrooms on Tuesday 10th at 3:15pm and 4pm.
Home Page

Knowle Primary School Every Child Matters. Every Moment Counts.

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Class Dojo
  • Nursery (Small Stones):
  • Nursery (Big Stones):
  • Attenborough:
  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
  • Armstrong:
  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford:

Who’s Who

Meet our Knowle team!

Senior Leadership Team
                                                     Headteacher and DSL:  Mr. Ben Norris



                                      Deputy Headteacher and DDSL:  Mr Josh Bashford-Cole




          Assistant Headteacher:  Mrs. Jan Walters     



      Early Years Leader:  Miss Lucy May                      Year 3/4 Team Leader: Miss Georgia Ward



Teaching Teams 


Nursery Team


Mrs. Axworthy: Small Stones                    Miss Hallett:   Big Stones 



Reception Team 


Miss May: Attenborough                    



Year 1/2 Team


    Mrs. Hill       |     Mrs. Walters: Anning                   Miss Needham  | Mrs. Gough: Earhart




Miss Smith | Mr Greenslade: Pankhurst              




Year 3/4 Team


Miss Ward: Picasso                                Miss Ellicott: Elizabeth             Miss Worely:  Wonder 



Year 5/6 Team 

Miss Shaw: Lennon              Miss Drage: Van Gough         Miss Edwards | Mr Bashford-Cole:  Dali                                                                          


      Mrs. Walters               




Children and Families Co-ordinator: Safeguarding 
   Mrs. Tania Chapman



Children and Families Support Worker

     Mrs. Nikita Conniss



Pastoral Leader

       Mrs. Cavanagh



Sports Coach, PE Teacher and Club Leader

         Mr. Rickard

 Office Staff
  Mrs. Jayne Millar: Office Manager

   Miss Lauren Shaw: Admin Assistant including Nursery


  Mrs. Elyse Hogden: Admin Assistant





Early Years Assistants



Miss Moore and Miss Cooke: Small Stones 

Miss Christie: Small Stones 


Mrs. Tucker: Big Stones 

Mrs. Preston: Big Stones


Miss Coates: Reception and KS1 Nurture  

Miss Stoddart: Reception

Miss Nation: Reception and KS1 Nurture

Miss Harrison: Reception (Apprentice TA)

Miss McDonald: Reception (Apprentice TA)

Teaching Assistants
Mr.s Hawkins: 

Mrs. Doads:

Mrs. Nail: 

Miss Trapnell: 

Mrs. Azeez: (Apprentice TA)

Mrs. Champion: 

Miss Walker: 

Mr. Fenn: 

Miss Down: 

Miss Palmer: 

Miss Gilpin: Luther-King

Mrs. Treloar: Luther-King

Mealtime Assistants


Mrs. Azeez:  (Apprentice TA)

Miss Walker: (Apprentice TA)

Mrs. Bates
Ms Barr

Miss Bland

Mrs. Cavanagh

Miss Cotes

Mr. Fenn
Mrs. Howells

Miss Palmer
Mrs. Hawkins

Miss Stoddart
Mrs. Treloar

Miss McAdam

Breakfast Club Supervisors
Mrs. Treloar
Miss. Nail
Mrs. Hawkins


Site Manager

Mr. Keiran MacDonald


Cleaning Staff

Mr.  Kent

Mrs. Howells

Miss McAdam

Mrs. Duckett 

Local Governing Body

Mr. Tim Smith (Co-opted), Chair of Governors

Mrs. Linda Ludlow (Co-opted), Vice Chair of Governors

Mr. Ben Norris (Headteacher)

Ms Jodie Moon (Parent)

Mrs. Tania Chapman (Staff)

Father David Bailey (Co-opted)

Mr. Scott Simpson-Horne (Co-opted)

Clerk to the Governors: Mr. Michael Coomber

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
Class Dojo
  • Nursery (Small Stones):
  • Nursery (Big Stones):
  • Attenborough:
  • Elizabeth:
  • Anning:
  • Armstrong:
  • Parks:
  • Picasso:
  • Earhart:
  • Darwin:
  • Angelou:
  • Einstein:
  • Jemison:
  • Rashford: